Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Oozin' and Cruzin'

Updated 31 January 2016~

If you're the sort of simple-minded crackpot who truly believes America was founded as a Christian nation, and that American secular law should always be subordinate to Biblical law, then Ted Cruz [rhymes with Red Ooze] is your dream candidate.

However, if you advocate the separation of church and state, you need to hope that Ooze never gets closer to the presidency than he was the day he was born in Canada.

Rafael Cruz has told the yokels at his campaign event that he's a Christian first, an American second, a conservative third, and a Republican fourth.

In a nutshell, that's why that Cuban/Canadian asshole should never be elected. I never trust any politician who puts their personal religious beliefs ahead of what's good for the country.

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