Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No fine meal is complete without wine---

and no blog for which I'm responsible is complete without an image of this nasty, inbred little bastard. He's the avatar for what the blogs are all about.
PS: In response to the comment on this post, I'll offer a few words of clarification. The image is a still shot from the movie "Deliverance" and I call this character the banjo boy, based on the fact he's a prodigy on the instrument despite obvious deficiencies in every other area, including dental hygiene. If you check the political posts regularly, you're aware that I usually refer to W as banjo boy, billy banjo, or some similar derivative. It may not be apparent to anyone else, but I find the physical resemblance between the banjo picker and the president uncanny. Particularly striking are the beady eyes and that feeble little grin revealing a malevolent, albeit fragmented, train of thought. Maybe he's considering going back to pick at that dead possum he saw in the road, or stealing a quarter from granny's purse for some jawbreakers. We don't know what's going on in his inbred little mind, any more than we know what's going on in W's. This arcane reference is meant to depict my attitude toward our national leadership, hence the avatar designation.

1 comment:

  1. Who is this creep? You are over my head - but since his pic is still on your blog, I am getting curious.
