Sunday, February 12, 2017

Topsy Turvy

I'm posting this link to a short article posted at Daily Kos, dealing with the fact we've passed through the looking glass and how all the horrors Republicans screamed about when they thought Barack and Hillary were destroying the country are "ho-hum, move along, no problem" stuff now -- when Bannon, Miller and the so-called president really ARE preparing to destroy America.

If you don't despise Republicans, you should. Fucking rotten hypocrites. Here is the quotation of Stephen Miller's statement on one of the Sunday morning news shows yesterday. This is all over the Internet today:

"The end result of this, though, is that our opponents, the media, and THE WHOLE WORLD will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that THE POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT to protect our country are very substantial and WILL NOT BE QUESTIONED."

The children of the Greatest Generation have done the very thing their parents fought a world war to prevent. Somewhere, Hitler is enjoying this disaster and fondly recalling his adviser, Joseph Goebbels.

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