Sunday, October 11, 2020

Q. Notes, Day 210

Because I wasn't paying close attention when Cheez Whiz was hospitalized at Walter Reed, I had the impression that Dr. Sean Conley was some big shot COVID specialist attached to that medical facility, and I wondered how someone in that position could be corrupted so quickly.

After a little research today, I found out that Conley is Cheezy's personal physician at the White House, is a military officer who is subordinate to the so-called commander-in-chief, and like Ronny Jackson before him, is probably willing to say anything Cheezy tells him to say. I'm relieved to know that I can just completely ignore his bullshit from now on.

I imagine those voters who claim to be still undecided will be glad to know that Cheezy has finally added the coveted Taliban endorsement to the one from the KKK.

Keep in mind that whenever you're in a convenience store with ten other adults, there's a statistical possibility that four of them are worthless assholes incapable of intelligent thought. In red state hellholes like Mississippi or Alabama, it's probably more like six out of ten.

You never get the complete picture of exactly how insane he is until you read verbatim quotations or transcripts of Cheezy's interviews with Fox News hosts.

1 comment:

  1. You're a braver person than I am...if you can read Cheezy's interviews with Fox...or with anyone he lies to, really. (I can barely stand to even SEE his ass - ever!) I had a pretty good grasp of his insanity issues when I heard that he squandered millions of dollars that he inherited! Duh! What kind of a moron does that? Oh yeah, the kind who steals for trump-ville 'properties and pockets' while pretending to be presidential. AND still keeping his cult of loyal followers who think he's hot shit... I thought CV was as bad as health issues could get, and I still do - but this is a whole new kind of illness (mental?) he's breeding at MAGA (HIS very own favorite NO MASK) rallies.
