I still believe Donno Duhmp expected his term as 1/2 Pussydent 47 to be the raunchiest TV reality show ever. When he brags about having the greatest month in the history of the American presidency, then considering the chaos, corruption, conspiracy, and conflict occurring since Duhmp and the Other 1/2 of Pussydent 47 took over, what he produced instead of the intended hit reality show is the shittiest damned sitcom ever shown on American TV.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Reality show TV at its worst (Day 29, Part One)
Pussydent 50% x 47 Donkey Wrecked 'Em is getting more feeble-minded every day, so he's trying to structure his 50% share of P47 as the zaniest TV reality show ever, which is his only area of noticeable expertise. The cast so far consists almost entirely of filthy, shit-eating, garbage dump rats like Tom Homan, who should be wearing SS insignia on a black uniform, since his duty is mostly moving non-white people into Koncentration Kamps. He's one of the more ignorant members of the show's cast, and AOC is making him look even more foolish. Being foolish and incompetent himself, Wrecked 'Em is most comfortable when he's surrounded by clods eager to fluff his ego.
More zany TV entertainment: Now that resistance is emerging, Donkey Wrecked 'Em wants everyone to know the biggest garbage dump rat, Elmo Mush, is not only NOT the Kommander of the DOGE Division, he isn't even part of it at all. Those loony ass-wipes!
Eventually, the shit-eating garbage dump rats should stop blaming the disasters occurring with Pussydent 50% x 47 in charge on Joe Biden.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Return of The Blob (22nd Day)
Elon and his band of Baby Muskrats are still prancing around making messes, and Elon is being identified in some media reports as The Actual President, making me wonder why Pussydent 47 hasn't thrown a temperamental fit and run Elon off yet.
I saw some recent photos of Elon, and decided that when P47 looks at that face, in his mind he sees a big, soft, vagina (and it make him plenty horny).
I noticed a headline in this morning's online edition of USA TODAY about a new CBS News poll that found a majority of American adults approve of P47's performance. Here are the numbers:
- Strongly Approve 31%
- Somewhat Approve 22%
- Strongly Disapprove 38%
- Somewhat Disapprove 9%
The article went on to clarify that 45% of those polled claim they pay a lot of attention to the news, and the other 55% pay some attention, not much attention, or no attention at all. My gut feeling is that the 53% who approve come mostly from the 55% who aren't paying much attention, while the 47% who disapprove are mainly from the 45% paying close attention.
Here's a proposal for a painless budget cut: Immediately eliminate Secret Service protection for Pussydent 47 Donkey Duhmp and VP Shady JD Vance. Require Big BM (Billionaire Musk) to absorb the costs of their security.
Monday, January 27, 2025
The Return of The Blob (Eighth Day)
There are thousands of jobs that the Waste of Shit, Don Old Hump, is totally unqualified to perform, and Pussydent 47 of the United States is at the very top of the list. He has four years of prior experience, but is more incompetent now than he was on the first day of the first term. Under these conditions, it isn't surprising that he hasn't selected anyone to fill a vacant positions who's suitable for the designated job based on prior experience or critically important skills. The few competent and capable individuals he seated during his first term understood he was an ignorant dipshit and at meetings, he was always the dumbest asshole in the room. After he fired his critics, most of them wrote books or spoke freely when detailing his ignorance and incompetence.
Now he's making sure there will always be several people stupider than he is around the conference table (or will be if his nominees are confirmed).