Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Fire That Cannon

 Sometimes getting to the place you want to be is a matter of patience. Special counsel Jack Smith's patience was tested, but eventually Loose Cannon took a step that exposed her ignorance of the laws that Don Old Lump has been indicted for violating.

After getting away with murder, Kyle Rittenhouse was elevated to folk hero status among the MAGA maggot crowd. Americans waited patiently for years until the truth about this little turd finally appeared. Now we know he's just another ignorant psychopath who meets the criteria for zombie army membership.

Not all U.S. news organizations are in the tank for Don Old and his MAGA Misfits, although it often seems like it. Normalization of MAGA lunatics by the media is testing my patience.

Don Old Lump is making sure people won't forget he's running for so-called precedent (sic) for the third time by releasing a list of names he's considering as potential VP candidates. Based on the latest version of the list, Lump's priority is to fulfill the legal requirement for having a VP without choosing anyone who might be more popular than he is.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Truth Comes Out

The testimony by Lev Parnas before a House committee yesterday should have finished off the MAGA Moron obsession with impeachment of Joe Biden. Parnas made it clear that Ron Johnson and Pete Sessions are working for Russia, and that Booger Bill Barr knew the Russians were cooking up all the "evidence" against Joe. The only reason this monkey business hasn't ceased is Don Old Dirtbag's demand that the House impeach Biden even if no impeachable offenses exist.

Add Loose Cannon to the lengthy list of MAGA Misfits who place Don Old's happiness ahead of what's best for America. If she's unable to read and comprehend the requirements of the Presidential Records Act, she should be removed from her position as a judge.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Is This Finally The End?

We didn't realize it at the time, but the beginning of the end occurred in November 2016 when the Russians were able to get their asset installed in the White House, with help from Jill Stein voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

One of the top stories this morning concerns the so-called bloodbath taking place at the RNC, with dozens of staff members being replaced by Don Old Dud favorites. One observer noted that the Republican Party has ceased to exist, and is now part of the Don Old Dud crime family.

Ideally, what's happening in the RNC now will lead to huge reductions in financial support from the Big Money Donors for a long time to come.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Late Start Tuesday

 Every year in early March, I dedicate one weekday to preparation of my income tax return for the previous year. Today was tax prep day for the 2023 return. I had finally received all the forms I needed to verify the sources and amounts of income from pensions, annuities, interest, dividends, and so forth. Unlike other people, I don't try to file my returns electronically, but eventually that may become necessary.

The reason I mention this is that concentrating on the IRS forms kept me away from the webpages I usually read to see how much closer to hell the nation has slipped in the last 48 hours. I finally got a look in the last hour or so.

The best news I saw concerned TSF Dooky Toadfartz making a lot of loud pronouncements that he will be cleansing the Republican Party of every single member who is not absolutely and totally loyal to him, to the exclusion of everything else. Think about that for a minute: The opinion polls and primary elections are clearly indicating that a significant percentage of (R) voters are tired of Toadfartz and his boring TV reality show. Now the ignorant asshole is promising to push those voters away from what became the MAGA Muppet Party. My prediction is that nearly all of them will be saying, "You can't fire us, motherfucker. We QUIT!"

In two elections, Toadfartz barely cleared 46 percent of the popular vote. Now he believes he can afford to discard approximately thirty percent of the people who vote for Republican candidates. Tell us again how the waste of shit's dementia isn't getting worse each day.