Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pennsylvania, you're responsible. Yes, you.

It's 10:40 pm, Tuesday, April 22nd. I'm recording the date and time for the record, since tonight may be the night the Democratic Party officially headed for the junkpile of history.

Tonight, Hillbillary won the Pennsylvania primary with the magic ten-point margin, along the lines of 55-45 percent. All over the country, conservatives are breathing a big sigh of relief. Some, like Pat Buchanan on MSNBC, can't conceal their glee. Running against Obama, you just knew that Top Gun or some other high-level Repub would eventually slip up and utter the n word, or some nasty variation like n-lover. Now that risk looks like it's off the table.

The Pennsylvania result guarantees Hillbillary will remain in contention for the Dem nomination, and something tells me that one way or another, she'll get it now.

Obama came along about a half generation too early. There are still too many old people voting in Dem primaries for someone with his, um, characteristics to sweep to victory. Obama was probably unelectable since day one, but taking his appeal to younger generation voters into consideration (and the resulting unpredictability), he was a wild card. He could've kept it close all the way, with the constant possibility of springing a miracle, the one-in-a-million upset.

Obama is unelectable, but he looks like a sure winner compared to Mrs. Clinton, who's going out of her way to turn people off. The same Democratic voters who convinced themselves Kerry was a lock in 2004 seem to be lining up behind HRC this time. The difference is, Hillary's thumping won't be as close as Kerry's. She'll finish up with about 46 percent of the popular vote, but the electoral map will be red all over when Top Gun and the Repubs get through with her.

What's obvious now is that the Democrats aren't serious about taking back the White House. Looking at the ungodly mess Willy Wanker is leaving behind, maybe they're doing the prudent thing by conceding to the Repubs. I still think Top Gun will be a one-term wonder; the mess to be cleaned up is just too overwhelming. His VP will be the front-runner in 2012.

My gut feeling is that the Dems are largely finished as a major political party. This year, all the stars were in the proper alignment for them to regain the White House and increase their majorities in the House and Senate. Down the road, they could've gotten the Supreme Court back into some semblance of balance. But nooooo---

There's a real leadership void in the party when they keep nominating loser after loser, each loser being more hopeless than the one before: Gore, then Kerry, now Hillbillary.

Check the contrast with the Repubs. Whenever there's an election, the Repubs look like a Nuremberg rally in the mid-1930s: everybody lined up in perfect formation. Most Repubs weren't crazy about Top Gun, but they'll be out in force to vote for him in a few months. Meanwhile, the Dems are fractured, splintered, and falling apart, and the turmoil will be reflected in the down-ballot House and Senate results.

The bottom line is that the Dems look like a party sliding toward permanent minority status. One-party rule has gotten us into the morass we're in, but I expect it's a condition that'll last much of the rest of my life. There're still a few months to go until the conventions, then a few months of the fall campaign, and there's a slim possibility that something could happen to change the predicted outcome, but I don't think so.

I hate the damned Republicans, but right now I hate the Democrats almost as much.

1 comment:

  1. We've had this conversation before - it's no real secret about the pending demise of the Democratic party. Anybody that doesn't have blinders on can see that happening. Undoubtly the D's have pretty much gone to shit.

    What this country desperatly needs is a third or even fourth viable political party.

    It's wishful thinking, but perhaps with the trash that the Dems are demonstrating, there might be an emergence of another or other viable parties. I certainly do not see that in the immediate future; we might not even see it before you and I leave this life, but I sure as hell hope something happens soon before this nation really goes into the crapper. More so than it already is.
