Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The title of the post is a term I picked up on the internet, and decided it applied to the eight Republicans running for the 2008 nomination. Think about it; it'll come to you.

If you can't stomach the thought of reading the newspaper, a quick way to stay on top of what's happening in the country is to check "Doonesbury" every morning. I try not to miss it.

Hucklebuck recently made a statement implying that his increased popularity in the opinion polls is a matter of divine intervention, and that idiocy got him into "Doonesbury." The last time this country elected a president who thought he was chosen by God, it resulted in seven recent years of misery. With luck, the novelty of Hucklebuck will soon wear off, and he can go back to the political junkpile where he belongs.

An article in today's Austin paper says Bush has big plans for his final year in office. God help us.

The Senate Finance Committee is currently investigating possible abuse of their tax-exempt status by some of the prominent televangelist ministries. One who's being checked out is a bunko artist named Creflo A. Dollar. I'm not making that up.

Another story in the news concerns the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas. This bunch is led by the marginally-sane Rev. Fred Phelps, and is getting attention because they go around picketing the funerals of soldiers who were killed in Iraq. According to Rev. Fred, the military deaths are punishment from God for America's tolerance of homosexuality. The family of one dead soldier whose funeral was disrupted won a lawsuit against the Phelps congregation, but will probably never see a dime of the award.

I'm glad they invented Google; without it, I'd be missing out on some interesting stuff.

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