Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Some great television, and some not-so-hot

In March and April, Home Box Office ran a seven-part miniseries based on David McCullough's best-selling biography of John Adams. It looked interesting, but for one reason or another, I never got around to watching any of the episodes. This week, HBO is showing John Adams again, and I'm catching up on what I missed the first time. I won't get off on a rave about the excellence of the program, although it's easily the best thing I've seen on television in a long time. Highly recommended, and gets a 9.5 on my rating scale.

Because I was engrossed in Episode Three of John Adams last night, I missed all the speeches that were shown on the cable news channels. From what I've read this morning, Barry's speech was good and Top Gun's was a stinkeroo, with Mrs. C somewhere between the two. At this stage, I'm finding the politics of the 1770s more captivating than those of 2008.

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