Friday, October 10, 2008


Ace's trophy wife (using the term loosely) says Obama is running the dirtiest campaign in American history. I don't know, I thought the one W ran against her husband in 2000 was pretty dirty, and the three that Repubs ran against Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry were deep down in scumbag territory. What it all comes down to is that Cindy has no concept of history or dirty campaigning and needs to get out more. There's not as much correlation between vast wealth and classy behavior as there used to be.

But Cindy's a work of art compared to Todd. As yet another indication of just how small-time Alaska and the Palins are, it looks like first dude could just wander in off the goddamned street any time he wanted to and make himself at home in the governor's office, and get into state business up to his elbows even though he'd never been elected to anything. When Hillary as First Lady was pulling that kind of stuff, it had Limbaugh and his cheesedick audience in a frenzy, and resulted in a string of investigations I don't even want to think about. On top of all the other problems I have with Them Two Mavericks, now I have to factor their spouses into the equation.

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