According to an article I read last night about bills pending in the Lege, Texas leads the nation in number of convicted felons exonerated by DNA evidence. This is another way of saying that Texas apparently convicts and sentences more innocent people than any other state. Other news articles I've read recently report that Texas leads the nation in percentage of children without health insurance. I'm planning to Google "texas leads nation in" to identify other areas in which we're knocking Mississippi and Alabama out of the top spot. As recently as 2007-2008, Texas led the nation in most federal dollars spent on abstinence-based sex education and teenage birth rates, an interesting bit of irony if there ever was one.
Years ago, Texas had a professional football team that could claim to lead the nation, but those days are gone forever.
Added 7:26 pm: Quick Google search uncovered two more areas in which Texas leads the nation: highest homeowner insurance rates, and number of pipeline safety initiatives proposed and enacted.
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