Monday, December 21, 2009

Teabaggers back in the headlines

After dropping out of sight for several weeks, the teabag people are back in the news. Well, it was nice while it lasted. This time, they're hassling K-Bay to make sure she votes against the Senate health care bill... as if there was any doubt she would.

Today, I'm as pessimistic about the future as I've been at any time in this decade. At some point, teabag people will be in a position to actually make policy rather than merely being noisy, repulsive public nuisances. As bad a mess as the Democrats are making, it will be much worse when these fucking lunatics take over.

Added 12:30 pm: A fair assessment of the situation by Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post.

1 comment:

  1. The angry, paranoid nutcases on the far right are makeing the rest of us angry and paranoid:

