Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Balancing Acts

I predict the Texas legislature will slash funding in every program that is remotely unpopular, those that primarily benefit non-voting poor folks in particular, and make intermediate-level cuts in big ticket items like public education. They'll piss away a lot of time on social issues like abortion and voter ID to keep everyone distracted while they quietly jack up fees and surcharges. If they can figure out a way to cook the books without getting caught, they'll do it. When it's over they'll brag about balancing the budget without raising taxes, and 60 percent of voters will buy it hook, line, and sinker. Meanwhile life will get harder for low-income people and more expensive for the middle class. All the lege will have done is shift the economic burden to local governments with the least possible degree of political risk to themselves. The disgusting part is they'll get away with it.

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