Sunday, January 22, 2012


The bad news is that Gangrene Gingrich won the South Carolina primary. That's bad news because Newter is such a repulsive POS that it pisses me off to see him as happy and as full of himself as he is tonight. Fuck him.

The good news is that Rick Sanitorium is one step closer to the exit door. One by one, the religious fanatics are being culled out and that's a good thing for America.

On the Democratic side, I'm having a problem finding a liberal blog that seems to be upset about Gangrene's big win. That may be because Mittens has long been perceived as the Republican that would put Obama out onto the street and give the GOP total control of the federal government again. Now that the Anybody But Mitt voters have decided to congeal like snot around the Blast from the Past, Romney's in deep shit. He may still win the nomination, but it'll be a street brawl from now until he does. But the real smiles are probably over the prospect of drawing Gangrene as the November opponent.

After back-to-back defeats in 2006 and 2008, the Republicans looked into their souls for about 20 seconds of introspection and decided they lost (a) due to voter fraud, and (b) because they weren't conservative enough. They corrected the first problem with a lot of new voter ID laws, and the rise of the tea people convinced them they had solved the second problem.

Obama's had the look of a one-and-done. His best shot at a second term would be if he lucked out and the Republicans nominated someone who would make the incumbent president look like the safest choice -- the lesser of two evils. Could they possibly be THAT stupid ?

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