Friday, April 25, 2014

See Bundy

I've been posting online comments about the Cliven Bundy saga under an alternate identity for several days, so I'm aware that motherfucker is the latest pinup boy for right-wing crazies, particularly the militia and secessionist types. I keep waiting for those malcontent assholes to start an armed insurrection against the federal government --- that would be the kind of house-cleaning opportunity that doesn't come along every day.

I thought the civil war might begin in Nevada, but it turned out the gun nuts and militia weirdos weren't man enough for the job. Word got out that they were thinking about using their womenfolk for human shields, so the law and the government people backed off.

Throughout the whole dog-and-pony show, Fox News (and Sean Hannity in particular) was the official media cheerleader for Bundy, building his celebrity status and making him an attractive interview prospect. People like Bundy believe the normal rules don't apply to them, and they can say and do whatever they goddamned well please. So Bundy decided to give his opinion on Ns: They were better off as slaves, when they had cotton-picking to keep them busy and give their lives some focus and some meaning.

Needless to say, this caused Cliven's fans in the political realm (Rand Paul et al) to look for the nearest exit, and even Sean Hannity had to criticize him. You know you've hit a rough spot as a right-winger when Hannity's on your case about your free speech.

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