Sunday, April 29, 2018


Ronny Jackson was the official White House physician during Barack Obama's administration, and he was so inconspicuous that I'd never heard of him until he made a foolish public appraisal of Donnie Rinse and Spit's physical and mental fitness for office, and received a lot of justifiable ridicule as a result.

Now, after being nominated by Big Covfefe for a position he wasn't noticeably qualified to fill, Ronny not only won't be running the VA, he won't even have the cushy White House doctor gig either.

Moral of the story: Donnie turns everybody around him to shit, and makes people who were already shit even shittier. Here's a partial list of examples: The two Mikes (Pence and Pomeo), Beauregard Sessions, Steve Mnuchin, Ryan Zinke, Stephen Miller, Huckabee Sanders, Sonny Perdue, Wilbur Ross, Ben Carson, Scott Pruitt, Rick Perry, Betsy DeVos, and Mick Mulvaney. There are plenty of others who are still completing the contamination process.

Updated 6:55 PM Monday 04/30/18: Kos has additional relevant commentary concerning the reason Donnie Piss Puddle is surrounded by shitty people.

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