Saturday, June 30, 2018

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I never watch Fox News because it's against my religion (or would be if I had one). Thanks to liberal websites like Crooks and Liars, though, I can keep up with anything happening there that's even remotely consequential (not much, fortunately).

When I read transcripts of chat shows like Fox & Friends, I usually ask myself this question: Does Fox News show stupid programs because their viewers are ignorant morons, or are the viewers ignorant morons because they watch stupid programs on Fox News? What would be the result if Fox News stopped showing simple-minded Republican propaganda around the clock and switched to responsible journalism full-time? Would their viewers gradually become intelligent, productive citizens, or would the network go belly up in a month or two?

PS: I've only known two people personally who devoted several hours every day to watching the crap on Fox News. I'll just say it wasn't beneficial and leave it at that.

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