Saturday, April 20, 2019

A standing joke

Rudy Tootie only has one trick left in his bag: throwing as much shit as he can find at the nearest wall, then gloating if any of it sticks. Hard to believe that 20 years ago, he was admired by a lot of people.

You always know Rudy's lying anytime he's calling someone else a liar.

Added Sunday 1:05 PM: Rudy is living proof that prolonged exposure to the orange stool sample inevitably results in catastrophic deterioration of mental faculties.

Added Sunday 7:32 PM: In the stool sample's world, where scum-sucking pigs like Rudy dwell, the standard of measurement is this: If you weren't executed by a firing squad for it, then what you did was legal.

At least we understand what it takes to get a point across to these assholes.

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