Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Lock his fat ass up.

This isn't rocket science. Anyone who's been paying attention since 2016 knows that if Donny Strunz thought there was even a slim chance their testimony under oath would exonerate him, he'd personally be driving all those witnesses to the House committee hearings in a limo. Nope, every subpoena he defies is just additional proof -- THAT MOTHERFUCKER'S GUILTY AS HELL!

Added 11:20 PM Wednesday: It's a sign that things are moving in the right direction when even a Fox News poll shows that 51 percent of the public want Strunz to be impeached and removed from office. My hypothetical pivot point is 60 percent for impeachment, 35 percent against impeachment, with the usual 5 percent undecided.

Update 6:28 PM Thursday: The Fox News poll got Strunz's attention, and he really is full of himself. If he ain't the world's biggest flaming asshole, tell me who is.

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