Friday, October 18, 2019

Quid pro quo

I've spent time the last few days looking at how the pieces of the puzzle fit together, and based on what has been reported so far, here's what looks plausible to me:
  • Donny Strunz has been entangled with Russian power figures for years, mainly in money laundering operations and similar criminal activities. They know him well.
  • When Donny first starts talking about running for president, the Russians realize he could be used to give them significant control over U.S. politics and government.
  • The deal is simple: Donny craves the power, prestige and media attention that come with being president, and also sees the office as a potential money-making enterprise that will enable him to channel funds from the federal treasury into his business organization.
  • In return, Putin gets the tool he needs to diminish the U.S. as a dominant world power, reshape American foreign policy to benefit Russia, and create chaos and conflict by separating Americans into pro-Donny and anti-Donny factions.
  • Pulling the U.S. out of alliances, treaties, trading partnerships, etc. makes Russia stronger by making everyone else weaker.  
  • The pact Strunz and Putin make regarding the 2016 election is a textbook example of a quid pro quo transaction. But these guys are not equal partners, since they both know Putin can destroy Donny any time it suits his purposes to do so. 
Added 5:35 PM: Donny Strunz found out he can manipulate the stock market. All it takes is the right tweet at the right time. Money in the bank.

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