Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Stumbled onto a well-written piece by Bob Cesca @ Salon

We have to remember that all those supporters of Donnie Strunz fall into one of two groups:
  • A large group made up of assholes who are too damned stupid to recognize pure evil when he's standing right in front of them
  • A smaller group consisting of weaklings who know he's evil, but are too chickenshit to do anything about it
Now, let's decide which of those groups this Mooney dipshit from West Virginia belongs in.

Judging from the last 12 months, I've decided that if Donny and his flock of deplorable dimwits can't whine, they die. That's the best explanation I can come up with for their endless pity parties.

Every baseball fan who booed Donny Strunz at the game (and/or yelled "Lock him up!") should be awarded a medal for patriotism and given neat free stuff. Seeing the expression on the fat fuck's face when he realized so many people hate his guts was priceless.

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