Monday, November 11, 2019

Diminishing Returns

I started paying attention to politics when I turned 21 years old. I became eligible to vote and happened to have a vested interest in the dominant political issue of the year. As it happened, there was a presidential election a few months after my birthday. I took the advice of my buddies and voted for the Republican. I look back on it now as one of the worst mistakes of my early adulthood, and I haven't voted (R) in a presidential election since then.

For several years, I actually believed there would never be a worse president than Nixon, but I underestimated the speed at which disease and decay could spread through the entire GOP. Now, the (R) idea of a rising star is a stinking lowlife known as "Gym" Jordan. I stopped waiting for a Republican I could admire to make an appearance. The last one who came close was Colin Powell, and he's apparently been booted out of the party.

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