Friday, December 13, 2019

Impeachment-Related Stuff

Those (R) mother4kers are apparently claiming that since impeaching Donny 10 Flushes isn't a bipartisan effort, it's illegitimate. Logically, that should mean anything moved through Congress with strictly (R) votes (such as confirmation of hardcore right-wing judges) must also be illegitimate, right?

Added 2:49 PM: Moscow Mitch announced that he's coordinating every detail of the Senate impeachment trial with Donny's people, and there's zero possibility that 10 Flushes will be removed from office. Anyone who's been paying the slightest bit of attention to the news has already known this for months. Why is Moscow Mitch treating it like it's today's breaking news?

Having watched how Moscow Mitch operates, I think he wants to avoid a Senate trial completely by persuading enough nervous House (D)s to vote against impeachment to kill it. Instead of joining another conspiracy with 10 Flushes, he can sit on his ass and let Madam Speaker take the incoming fire.

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