Sunday, January 12, 2020

Race Issue

At the moment, it appears the race for the (D) nomination is narrowing down to Biden, Bernie and Liz Warren. What those three have in common is that at least 70 percent of (D) voters want somebody else; Biden attracts about 30 percent, with Bernie (not even a goddamn Democrat) and Warren both under 30 percent.

Since the start, I've ranked Biden & Bernie as Death Wish 1A and 1B for the (D)s. I've even imagined that the polls were being deliberately skewed by evil conservatives to ensure that one of them is the (D) nominee, paving the way for Snot Bubble to get another four years.

I think there are ways that Biden or Warren might be able to eke out a close win. With nine months to go, it's possible that Snot Bubble will do something outrageous that even (R) voters can't tolerate, causing enough of them stay home to tip a state like Ohio or Florida to blue. Maybe the economy will tank. Or maybe there are enough desperate voters who believe any (D) would be a huge improvement over what we're dealing with now. I see no possible way Bernie can win, regardless of what Snot Bubble does or doesn't do. Allowing someone who refuses to be a member of the party be the nominee anyway is suicidal behavior.

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