Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 38

Okay, it's just what we've come to expect from MF45. During the night, he sends out another tweet concerning some outrageous steps he'll be taking to end some perceived crisis. Over the next few days, the whole matter disappears, or the actual steps implemented are much less drastic than the original threat. No matter, though. The whole idea behind the tweet is to assure the mental defectives that he's taking decisive action, and they always believe he has. Bottom line: all immigration into the U.S. has not been banned.

Brian Kemp, the (R) governor of Georgia, will learn the hard way that acting impulsively to please MF45 is usually a big mistake.

MF45 followers who stopped worrying about COVID-19 because he's hyping this miracle cure called hydroxychloroquine probably need to start working on Plan B.

Another highly competent professional whose expertise is needed now gets axed by a fat fucking idiot who has zero expertise and is a waste of oxygen.

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