Sunday, May 17, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 63

The final day of the ninth week, and no symptoms yet.

Add Navarro to the long list of As Whole chums who are part of the problem, not part of the solution. When we seriously discuss government agencies and officials who failed the country, the CDC won't be worth mentioning. There's a reason I refer to the Dumple as Massive Failure 45 (short version MF45). If you want to know who is NOT to blame for some catastrophe, check out who As Whole and his butt boys are accusing.

As Whole lets scientists working to develop an effective COVID-19 vaccine know that doing it methodically to get it right is simply unacceptable. As Whole wants something on the market soon, and if a few million people die, it's no sweat as long as it happens after the election.

If you need a con artist to hype the shit out of some half-assed scam, MF45 might be able to handle that. If a serious problem requires competent, effective leadership, keep looking. He lacks the skills, knowledge and ability for anything hard.

Here's a laugh: As Whole called Barack Obama a "grossly incompetent" president today. The shelter-in-place orders implemented by state and local governments weren't perfect, but they kept the problem from being much, much worse... then As Whole decided to get involved, and now we're headed in the wrong direction again. There's your overwhelming incompetence.

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