Thursday, June 11, 2020

Q Notes, Day 88

Interesting post @ No More Mister Nice Blog

Support for MF45 is dropping dramatically according to several recent polls, and that seems to be a result of white voters realizing that he's actually not the hotshot TV show executive they believed they were voting for in 2016. The fact is, MF45 happened to be in the right place at the right time to claim all the credit for things that made him look good, even though he had little or nothing to do with making them happen (e.g. the Obama economy that 45 inherited).

The way events have transpired since January has exposed 45 as the lazy, incompetent dimwit he's been all along, and consequently, his "soft" support is beginning to slough off.

@ HUFFPOST  We didn't need one. but 45 has given us another reminder that he doesn't understand most of the things he says, either for the TV cameras or on Twitter. He really is ignorant, and too lazy to learn.

MF45 desperately needs a pick-me-up, the kind he can only get from performing his "President" act before an arena full of goobers, gomers, rednecks, yahoos and dipshits who treat him like the world's biggest TV star. He chose June 19th in Tulsa for symbolic reasons having to do with white supremacy. So far, this is pro forma trumpkin, but what's really cool is this added element: To attend the goat-roping, the trumpkins are required to forfeit their right to sue if they're exposed to the Microbes from Hell and get sick (or die). For several weeks, Fat 45 has been pitching the alternate reality that COVID-19 has been defeated, and it's safe to live like it's 2019 again. It'll be entertaining to see if he can fill a 19,000 seat venue with this condition attached. My hunch is that he will, because Oklahoma goobers are some of the dumbest goobers in America. Hell, I'm thinking most of them are too lazy to read the fine print, or too ignorant to comprehend what it says. For them, nothing says "Okay" like Fat 45 in OK.

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