Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How to lose me in two words

The fastest way to lose my attention is to start a newspaper headline with the words "Bush says-"

After all these years, I realize that anything Bush says will probably be garbled, incorrect, ridiculous, ignorant, or a deliberate lie. An example is in today's papers: Bush says he will restore the Justice Department. The DOJ wouldn't need to be restored if Bush hadn't been screwing around with it in the first place. The only thing Bush might ever say that would interest me is "I quit" or "I'm outta here" or "I'm gone."

I also lose interest immediately if I see the names Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson in a headline. Those two fit into my "Who died and made him the boss ?" category, and they bore me to tears.

Dick Cheney's also boring, but I feel compelled to keep up with what he's doing. The guy who made him boss didn't die. Sometimes, I think Cheney is probably the most powerful man on earth. The sooner he slithers off into retirement, the better I'll like it.

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