Saturday, July 19, 2008

The bus on the horizon

There are a number of cliches and figures of speech that have emerged in the current campaign. The one we hear all the time is 'under the bus' since Ace, Mrs Clinton, and Barry have all been forced to shuck various compadres who had become embarrassing, hence were thrown under the bus.

A new term is on its way: time horizons. There are too many powerful people who would have to eat shit if 'timelines' for American troop withdrawal from Iraq were established, but since it's starting to look like the Iraqi government wants to hardball us on our preference for infinite occupation, 'horizons' has popped up as the terminology of choice. Keep an eye on the headlines and count the times you see it.

As for me, the only time I want to use the word is when I'm talking about seeing Cheney's worthless ass disappearing over the horizon, presumably dragging Jorge along behind him.

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