Saturday, August 2, 2008

Top Gun: A better leader than Jesus ?

Some of the discussion on the editorial blog at Dallas Morning News today is about the latest commercial spun out by Top Gun's campaign. The conservative thinks it's real cool, and the liberal thinks it borders on blasphemy. Anyone who feels like they need to see it can check it out here.

The basic premise is a continuation of the uppity N theme that's so popular these days, but carried to the Nth degree (That Uppity N- done think he's Jesus !). Some blog comments say it parodies the movie The Matrix, which I haven't seen and can't discuss.

After ridiculing Obama, the ad finally gets to the point: Obama's The Truth and The Way, BUT IS HE READY TO LEAD ?

So maybe what Ace is trying to tell us is that he'd be a better leader than Obama, and by extension, Jesus. Could that be possible ? Leadership implies a corresponding followership. Ace might think he's one hell of a leader, but if there's nobody following him, how good can he be ? Or let's say for the sake of argument that he has followers, but they're all conservatives of the semi-literate, beer belly, dim bulb variety. Sorry, Ace, but I'm not getting in that line. Start the parade without me, okay ?

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