This was the third night of the Democratic convention, and I've watched more of it than I thought I would. Mrs. Obama's speech Monday night was so good that I was curious to see how the other main speeches by Hillary, Bill and Joe would measure up in comparison.
In 1992, after twelve years of the merciless grind of Reagan and Bush I, Bill Clinton came along and won my heart. I believed at the time that his ability to deliver a political speech was unmatched. Some people thought Reagan was the great communicator, but for me that title belonged to Bill Clinton. The way Clinton finished his second term left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I had tired of his act before he turned the keys over to Jorge, but his speech tonight reminded me of the things I admired about him in 1992. He can still get it done when he wants to. My favorite line was the one about "the power of our example, rather than the example of our power." That was classic Bill Clinton.
In all honesty, I don't know much about Joe Biden. What I saw of him in the earlier Dem debates didn't make much of an impression on me, and I couldn't picture him making a serious run at the presidency. After his speech tonight though, I think he'll be fine in the number two spot. He paid the necessary tribute to Speedo's POW experience and their personal friendship, then went down the list of reasons why we don't need that hole in the White House. Biden isn't as eloquent as the three who preceded him, but he's good enough in his own way. Delaware's lucky to have him as a senator. In Texas, we're stuck with a shitass like Cornyn. After eight years of little Dick Cheney, the country would be improved with a man like Biden in the VP's office.
So tomorrow night is the grand finale. I've admired the four speeches I've watched, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Barry's will stack up. This weekend, football season gets started, and next week I won't be wasting any of my precious time watching the Repub convention. I'll keep up with that demonstration of mental illness on the internet. As much as I can stand.
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