Thursday, September 11, 2008

Goodnight, then

After reading partial transcripts of Palin's interview with Charles Gibson, I checked a few of the conservative blogs to see how they liked it. The general tone was that Palin didn't come across as extremely well-versed in foreign policy, but it's okay because that's what middle American voters will love about her. Huh ? Are you shittin' me ?

I don't know how the interview looked on television, but reading it was painful. I'm resigned to the fact this dame will be the next VP and quite possibly The Prez. I can't hold her bullshit against her. She's just a Republican politician doing what Repub politicians do. It would be like hating a lioness for chasing, dragging down and ripping open a harmless gazelle. No, my anger is directed at the American voters who'll ultimately be responsible for putting Ace and Pea in power. They've been letting me down for years, but I still haven't gotten used to it.

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