Thursday, November 6, 2008

More post mortem

Looking at reds and blues from my left to my right, I see Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida and they're all blue. Can anyone seriously tell me that Ace would've gotten his ass whipped worse if he'd picked Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman as his running mate, and left Joe the plumber in obscurity ? I have a feeling that the Speedbump-Snowbunny-Skinhead combination was just too much for intelligent, moderate fence-sitters to deal with, so they swallowed hard and voted for Barry instead. Just my hunch. Leaving Speedbump and Bob Barr to fight it out over the low information primates in Dixie and prairie dog country and The Real Americans, always described as older, lower income, and less educated. Limbaugh's audience, in other words.

ADDED 3:40 PM:

I've been listening to Limbaugh and Hannity this afternoon, and the message coming from talk radio is that Them Two Mavericks lost because the Republican party hasn't been conservative enough. I can't imagine living in a country that met the standards they apparently envision. According to Limbaugh, conservatives are still the majority, so a lot of them must have decided to vote for The Most Liberal Senator In Congress. Why they did that is unclear.

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