Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where to now ?

I've been pursuing blogging as a hobby since 09-28-07 and during the last thirteen months there's been enough political activity to keep me working on the four jailbee blog siblings fairly regularly. When I started, W was edging into lame duck status and had already caused the GOP to lose its control of congress. In early 2008, the election campaign got underway for real and that naturally satisfied my need for topics to write about, particularly the prolonged primary contest between Barry and Mrs. Clinton, neither of whom I believed had any chance at winning in November.

After Ace McCain won the Republican primary, I started thinking of him as 44 and began to weigh the possibility that we might have four more years of divided government, a circumstance I actually favor philosophically.

As the campaign dragged on, Ace went totally negative. His first argument was his experience. Unfortunately all those years of experience came wrapped in a package that looked like an old white-haired grandpa, then his selection of Trig's mom made the point moot. Experience ? Never mind.

His next argument was about how he'd bring much-needed change, but everything he claimed he'd do sounded like what we'd already done for eight years: tax cuts, offshore and ANWR drilling, stay the course in Iraq, and of course some tax cuts. Keep the change, buddy.

His cases for experience and change having crumbled, Ace turned to the strategy that Republicans have relied on since 1988 - fanning fears about the Democrat. The problem with that approach was the three debates, where potential voters could see Ace and Barry side by side and make head-to-head comparisons. Barry didn't come across as frightening; sometimes Ace did.

Now the election is over and Barry won. Sweet Pea goes back to Alaska, where her minimal skills are appreciated, and Joe the skinhead goes back to much-deserved anonymity.

Unfortunately, all the low-information primates who get their worldview from Limbaugh, Hannity and Fox News will renege on their promises to leave the country if Obama won. They'll still be around, pissing and moaning and wasting space. So even though the easy targets are gone or soon will be, I imagine there'll still be things to write about.

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