Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mind games ?

Some conservative blogs are all over an article in the Wall Street Journal about an internal campaign memo from Speedbump's pollster. I haven't read the entire memo, but the essence seems to be that The Bumpster is rapidly closing the gap on Obama, all those states where Obama is way ahead are really tied, and things look especially good for the Republicans next week.

As I examine the situation, it seems like there are two possibilities here. The first possibility is that the internal poll is dead accurate, and everything we're reading in the newspapers and online and seeing on television is bullshit. Barry is headed for a defeat that will redefine the term epic fail.

The second possibility - and one that's supported by the noise I hear on rightwing talk radio - is that the nationally reported polls are fairly accurate, and the harsh reality is that Speedbump is headed for still another of his famous crash landings. The Republicans can see their voters saying something like 'FTS' and staying home in huge numbers. If that happens, Speedbump will be accompanied to history's trashcan by many of his conservative buddies from the House and Senate. Obama gets a big Dem majority in congress to enact his commie agenda and rich conservatives finish their days in the pauper's prisons that are built to hold them after their wealth is confiscated and redistributed.

So maybe getting a campaign memo published in the WSJ will get word-of-mouth started that will ensure that Ace's voters actually show up. Hannity and Limbaugh are pumping sunshine like there's no tomorrow which is all designed to keep up morale among their flock. I guess we'll find out how close Ace is to a comeback win next Tuesday night.

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