Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Goal

The new AG sent a brief (four page) summary of Mueller's report to the House and Senate Judiciary committee leaders, and was able to get the GOP "No Collusion" talking point into the media coverage, even though circumstantial evidence that Donnie Plop has been working for two years to advance Putin's agenda is overwhelming. For god's sake, it was so obvious, the FBI initiated a counterintelligence probe in 2017.

As expected, there are Democrats who frequent liberal forums and message boards who are clinically depressed today because Plop has escaped removal from office through impeachment proceedings. I'm not sure why it's so hard for them to understand that removing him from office was not an option in the first place. There aren't 67 Democratic Senators, and probably never will be. There might be Senate Republicans who would vote for impeachment if Plop raped and murdered a third-grader in front of 100 eyewitnesses, but that's not what Mueller was investigating.

The goal for Democrats should be the same now as it should have been since January, which is using their House majority to prevent Plop's agenda from getting through Congress, and keeping House committees busy churning out facts and figures exposing Plop's corruption and incompetence. Donnie will think he's bulletproof for a few weeks, and he won't stay out of trouble very long, definitely not for 18 months. Also, there's plenty of investigating underway that's overlooked in the shadow of the Mueller report, but will be making headlines later this year.

If the Democratic Party plays its cards right, it should be able to cobble together the 270 Electoral College votes needed to bleach this shit smear out of America's underwear next year. That is the ultimate goal.

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