Friday, July 26, 2019

Moscow Mitch

It's official: From now on, McConnell will be known as Moscow Mitch. Based on plain old unadulterated evil, he's as bad as Donnie Stink Eye any day.

Update 5:09 PM Monday 29 July: Everything Donnie Stink Eye says and does is primarily intended to keep Vladimir Putin happy. This could be a real problem for Donnie if there weren't plenty of Republican assholes like Moscow Mitch who are behind him all the way. The trump humpers really are the worst people on earth, and I hope Dan Coats testifies before several House committees as soon as he's officially replaced as DNI.

Meanwhile, #MoscowMitch resents all the attention he's getting lately.

Update 11:43 PM Monday: Hey, #MoscowMitch, cry us a fucking river, okay? If you don't like being identified as a Russian asset, then stop being one. 

He always wears a guilty look, and we know why.

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