Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Today's arithmetic problem

Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who's as white as they come, says that white supremacy isn't a problem in the United States because all of the white supremacists could probably fit inside of a football stadium. Tucker is one of those flaming assholes who fill paying jobs in right-wing media organizations, and serves no useful purpose in the overall scheme of things.

For discussion's sake, let's assume that every white supremacy fanatic in the country really could fit into a football stadium like Kyle Field at Texas A&M University (capacity 102,733). Let's also assume that each of those crazies is capable of killing 30 people in a shopping mall, elementary school, church or Walmart store. That gives us a potential death toll of 3,081,990 men, women and children gunned down at random. But suppose there are enough White Power lunatics to fill more than one stadium. Would they be a problem then?

Added 6:47 PM: More on Tucker Carlson

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