Monday, September 30, 2019

Crumbling before our eyes

It's probably an understatement to describe Donny Guano as "not taking this too well." In the last day or so, he's made threats against the people who revealed his criminal activity, charged the chairman of the committee that will be doing the main investigation with fraud and treason, and hyped the idea that impeachment will result in a civil war.

Fuck him if he can't take a joke.

The one thing Guano has going for him is that a lot of (R) voters are so stupid, they'll happily believe every lie he tells them. There are probably enough of them to keep his job approval above 30 percent for the short term, and above 25 percent to the bitter end.

Added 1:02 PM Monday: Another report @ Kos concerns Guano's reluctance to mount an organized, coherent impeachment defense. Not too surprising since Guano is no fan of organization or coherence. If he continues to help out, this may be easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

Speaking of shooting fish in a barrel, the hardcore right-wing gun crazies are signing on to the civil war idea. I see the threat of a bunch of middle-aged yahoos declaring war on the United States as an opportunity to improve the national standard of living by culling out some deplorables. We have way more of those than we need.

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