Friday, September 20, 2019

Weekend odds and ends

Beto almost certainly won't be the (D) nominee next year, but I'd like to see him in the White House someday. He has the intestinal fortitude most members of his party lack. I often wonder how much the (D)s could accomplish if they weren't afraid to offend (R)s.

Added 2:07 PM Saturday: American taxpayers are still pumping public money into a private firm that owns a concentration camp with no child prisoners in it. Wonderful.

Added 3:20 PM Saturday: We need to straighten the dumbass out. It's not illegal to investigate his crimes while he's in office. It is illegal for him to commit crimes while in office. He picked up a lot of bad habits and wrong ideas during his first two years, when the (R)s controlled both House and Senate, and their message to him was "Go ahead and do it. We don't care."

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