Thursday, May 28, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 73

Was preoccupied with yard work, horrible weather (including hail storms twice), and other distractions. Therefore I'm posting the note for day 73 in the early hours of day 74. Fuck it.

The best story I saw when I finally read the day's news tonight was the one about MF45's vendetta against Twitter, especially his announced intention to punish the social media company for fact-checking his ridiculous tweets about voting by mail. The punitive steps allegedly involve him signing another half-assed executive order. This has the stink of "media distraction" all over it.

Twitter should make a decision that MF45 has deliberately violated a terms of service agreement, and permanently terminate all his access immediately. They have better grounds for shutting him down than vice versa. Then the rest of us could breathe the sweet air of a world without the constant bombardment of that fat motherfucker's insane rants.

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