Monday, June 1, 2020

Q Notes, Day 78

The big story online today? Donny 4 Cup apparently held a telephone conference with the governors of all fifty states, attacked them as weaklings, and ridiculed them as laughingstocks. This is coming from the gutless coward who can't spell leadership and was hiding in the White House basement while angry crowds protested on the street outside the fence. Juanita Jean has her own take.

Donny 4 Cup desperately craves the public image of a wartime prez. He began by pissing away millions, launching missiles at nonexistent enemy strongholds. More recently, he declared war on COVID-19 and immediately got his goddamn ass kicked. Now, he's anxious to deploy airborne divisions against people protesting in U.S. cities. He's either forgotten how Hitler and Mussolini ended up, or he missed that part in the movie.

Late night PS: The whole country was pointing at Donny 4 Cup and laughing after he was exposed as a sissy boy who hides in the dark, so he staged some made-for-TV activity this afternoon to change the media narrative from "That fat pussy!" to "OMG! OMG! He's taking over the world!"

We see this phony crap over and over and over again, but it always works, so he keeps doing it.

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, it became a social expectation that all policemen, firemen, and other public service emergency workers would be referred to as heroes. After the twin towers collapsed, most of us had no qualms about considering people who respond first in a crisis as heroic. One lesson we've learned in recent years, though, is that we need to stop generalizing about the intrinsic heroic nature of policemen. Wearing a uniform doesn't automatically make anyone a hero.

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