Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Q NOTES # K+95: Woke Up

Almost everywhere I look lately, there's a discussion of the "woke" concept. Among people who originated the term, being woke is a virtue that includes being informed, tolerant, empathetic, aware and open-minded. In other words, being woke involves having many personal qualities that liberals value and admire.

On the other side, among MAGA monkeys like Ronny DeSanitized, Empty Greene, and the other usual suspects, the term woke is a convenient monosyllable that can be used easily by deplorable dimwits and dullards who actually have no idea what the term means except that everything and everybody they hate falls into the "woke" category. It's a simple substitute for every politically inflammatory word in their limited vocabularies, and using the term frequently allows them to believe they're practicing sophisticated communication like their leader, the ignorant Waste of Shit.

Added 11:53 PM Wednesday: Poor Ronny DeSanitized is in deep trouble. The Waste of Shit will slit him open and spill his guts all over the carpet, and Ronny will have to stand there silently and take it because fighting back with equal force will only alienate the MAGA monkey voters he can't win without next year.

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