Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Q NOTES # 1115: Tuesdazed in Manhattan

 When they're asked why they love him so much, MAGA morons often describe Dumpy Faffuck as bold and heroic. Actually, Faffuck is chickenshit and spends hours of his time whining about how mean people are always picking on him. Since MAGA morons don't seem to be remotely aware that their hero is really just a fat pud, it proves they're the most ignorant, uninformed dullards in America, and maybe on earth.

I watched a little of this afternoon's TV coverage of Dumpy Faffuck's arraignment on CNN and MSNBC. Cable news channels aren't my preferred sources of information, and I see how people who watch only Fox News or other right-wing propaganda stations would be running on empty when it came to awareness of reality.  

Added 5:32 PM: Since he couldn't have won the 2016 election without huge amounts of Russian intervention, I've never referred to Dumpy as "president." I call him "precedent (sic)" instead. Starting tomorrow, the fat slob who has a "45" logo on his red MAGA cap will be known as "Unprecedented 34" around here. 

 MAGA = My Ass Got Arrested (seen @ and copied from DU).

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