Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Q NOTES # 1172: Midweek Misery

There was a brief period when Ronnie DeSanitized was being hyped by the mainstream media as the likeliest MAGA Monkey to dethrone the waste of shit. That was all it took to shake things up and motivate Diarrhea Donnie, who shifted into Max Destruction high gear. After taking the shredding for a few weeks, DeSanitized is threatening to start counterpunching.

The best result for America will be these two turds somehow damaging each other to the point that neither could possibly beat Joe next year. 

We need a lot of new rules in this place. One we really need: Anyone who demands that a particular book be banned from a school or public library is required to read the book, then write at least 8,000 words specifying the parts of the book that justify the ban, and exactly what's offensive about them. The book stays on the shelves until this assignment is completed and submitted to a panel of judges for evaluation.

Every day Donny Drizzle makes the news, saying or doing something that reminds me he's The Worst Mistake America Ever Made. There are at least a million reasons to hate him, and not a single reason to admire his sorry ass. That makes the score on him 1,000,000 - 0, which in football would be called a damned blowout.

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