Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Q NOTES # 1179: Floridazed

Be careful what you wish for, because you might get it.

The fascist government in Florida, led by Ronny DeSanitized, enacted anti-immigrant legislation that was meant to scare the hell out of the state's immigrant population. Now the agriculture and construction sectors of the economy are seeing their labor force disappearing and the shit's hitting the fan.

Moral of story: If you want effective government, elect Democrats. If you prefer chaos, incompetence and inefficiency, just stick with the MAGA morons. 

Chris Christie is apparently the only Republican in the group of announced MAGA Monkey candidates for 2024. He can provide a valuable service to decent America by shredding the front-runner with truthful assessments of his flaws that none of the MAGA wannabes (Pence, Haley, Scott, et al) have the guts to attempt.

Mongo Wrongo doesn't really believe a lot of the crap he spews on his creepy little Truth Social platform, and I'm positive he's aware that all of the investigations that are being wrapped up now were NOT initiated just to interfere with his 2024 campaign, despite his constant complaining about that. He knows damned well that he committed all those crimes that will result in indictments, but he's been conditioned to expect that they would be ignored and unpunished.

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