Sunday, June 11, 2023

Q NOTES No. 1183: Sunday Floridazed Update

Short article @ Crooks & Liars web page today confirms that Florida's Fuhrer, Ronnie DeSanitized, is their preferred leader for the state's Nazi bottom-feeders who staged a demonstration at the main entrance to Disney World yesterday. Is there anything else we need to know?

It would've been great for America if Booger Billy Barr had been as honest when he was protecting the waste of shit as AG as he's being now. 

Little Lindsey Graham and Gym (Jacket Off) Jordan made their mandatory appearances on CNN and couldn't justify any of the illegal stuff the waste of shit did that got him indicted this week, so naturally they turned to Alternate Rationale One (Hillary Clinton's emails).

Whether he's tapping out screeds in all caps on Truth Social (sic) or belching out hatred behind a podium to an audience of MAGA misfits, the waste of shit repeats the same tired old insults, threats, grievances, and lies that he's managed to memorize through repetition. America is getting its sneak preview of his 2024 campaign for the MAGA Monkey party nomination. His whole act is so redundant, it gives me a headache and I won't be surprised if most voters decide it's much easier to just ignore him from now on.

Added 3:35 PM: Another short report from Florida @ PoliticusUSA re: MAGA Monkey party importing people to protest when Mongo Wrongo is arraigned. There are indications that the number of people willing to inconvenience themselves for the waste of shit is shrinking. Think about the effects of forthcoming indictments from the January 6th sedition investigation, the wire fraud investigation, and the election interference investigation in Georgia.

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