Monday, October 30, 2023

Things We Could Look Forward To?

Texas AG Kenny Boy Paxton is finally going to be tried for his crimes after stalling for about eight years.

When Ivankie testifies in Donny Dementia's NY financial fraud trial in a few days, there's a good possibility she will (a) make things worse for the waste of shit, or (b) commit perjury. Either (or both) of those will be welcomed outcomes.

Tommy Tuberville, one of the sorriest turds Alabama ever sent to Congress, may soon find out the power he's been abusing thanks to a particular Senate rule isn't permanent after all. 

When Donny Dementia's former attorneys and associates plead guilty to crimes he's also charged with, it confuses him. Eventually, this will lead to another gag order violation.

A week ago, I'm pretty sure I had never heard of MAGA Monkey Mike Johnson, although his name might have been mentioned in some reporting about the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. Now that he's front page news, he's been transformed into Mr. Prissy. It won't surprise me if he's replaced as Speaker before the next election. 

In my opinion, the stupidest people on earth are those who believe Donny Dementia's constant complaints that he's been a perfect angel and all those indictments are just Biden lies fabricated to prevent him from Making America Great Again. 

Something that would be fun would be a Nikki Haley breakthrough in the quest for the MAGA Moron Party nomination. The Waste of Shit has already obliterated Ronny Meatballs, and is now swirling around in a cesspool of increasing dementia himself. Who knows what condition he'll be in a year from now?

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