Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 It's been difficult to spend much time reading the news for the last week or so. The first debate between Joe and the Waste of Shit didn't go as well for Joe as anticipated, and the W/S was declared the winner by the media despite his refusal to answer the questions and stop his constant lying. Some liberal media talkers promptly began insisting that Joe be replaced as the Democratic nominee.

As if that wasn't depressing enough, the extreme court finally issued its 6-3 ruling on the presidential immunity issue, and many liberals slipped into defeatist mode, moaning that W/S had won again, since that's what media talkers were telling them. 

The companies that employ media talkers and writers have a vested interest in creating and maintaining an atmosphere of intense suspense in political matters, since that keeps their readers and viewers available as advertising consumers. At this point in this particular election year, the best way to create suspense is to press the idea that the Waste of Shit is sitting on top of the world, with everything going his way.

In seven of the eight presidential elections since 1992, the Democratic candidate has won the popular vote, and the W/S has yet to receive at least 47% in two elections. I'm fairly confident Joe will win the next election if Democrats are fighting mad and determined to take out their rage on the W/S and the whole filthy TRashdUMP.

The corruption on the extreme court should make Democrats furious: Get mad and get the win, people 

Added 5:58 PM Tuesday: It bears repeating. If the damned mainstream media had done their duty in 2016, rather than coddling the Waste of Shit with tons of free publicity and treating him like a perfectly normal Republican politician instead of the dangerous mental case he really is - the worthless fuck would never have won the nomination.

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