Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Reality show TV at its worst (Day 29, Part One)

 Pussydent 50% x 47 Donkey Wrecked 'Em is getting more feeble-minded every day, so he's trying to structure his 50% share of P47 as the zaniest TV reality show ever, which is his only area of noticeable expertise. The cast so far consists almost entirely of filthy, shit-eating, garbage dump rats like Tom Homan, who should be wearing SS insignia on a black uniform, since his duty is mostly moving non-white people into Koncentration Kamps. He's one of the more ignorant members of the show's cast, and AOC is making him look even more foolish. Being foolish and incompetent himself, Wrecked 'Em is most comfortable when he's surrounded by clods eager to fluff his ego.

More zany TV entertainment: Now that resistance is emerging, Donkey Wrecked 'Em wants everyone to know the biggest garbage dump rat, Elmo Mush, is not only NOT the Kommander of the DOGE Division, he isn't even part of it at all. Those loony ass-wipes!

Eventually, the shit-eating garbage dump rats should stop blaming the disasters occurring with Pussydent 50% x 47 in charge on Joe Biden.

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