Sunday, December 4, 2022

Q NOTES # 994: Idle Minds

I've been busy getting two loads of laundry washed, dried, and folded. That's kept me away from the internet, so I don't know what's being discussed at my bookmarked blogs. The main matter that interests me today is the run-off election in Georgia. I've seen some reports that early voting numbers probably favor Warnock, but you never know.

Herschel Dimbulb is a pitiful example of what happens when someone who isn't very bright anyway experiences a few concussions too many. Frankly, Herschel wouldn't be in this contest at all without Donald Phugdupp's pushing and shoving.

To Phugdupp, playing in the NFL is basically the same as performing in a TV reality show, and that's the only experience required to hold any elected office in government. Hell, ain't Phugdupp himself living proof of that? Greatest president in U.S. history, by god.

Added 3:25 PM Monday: The main topic for discussion over the weekend was a foaming-at-the-mouth diatribe the Waste of Excrement posted on his peculiar social media platform. Some observers perceived this as WOE threatening to nullify the Constitution and terminate democracy in the USA. Others (like me) perceived the rant as the screeching of a dangerously demented psychopath. Whatever, WOE is trying to reverse either perception today. He might not be ridiculed so widely IF the irrefutable proof that the 2020 election was stolen from him existed anywhere other than in his fantasy world.

The likely bottom line: For four years the WOE broke every rule and violated every norm in the book with zero accountability. For the first time in his worthless fucking life, he's surrounded by investigators and prosecutors who are relentlessly closing in on him, and has none of the immunity he was given during his so-called precedence (sic). His life now is one endless temper tantrum. Fuck him and his fantasies.

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